Felder Löttechnik Analysis

Our analysis

Our analysis

Our laboratory is equipped, amongst others, with an  optical emission spectrometer and IR spectrophotometer.
We are also in a position to carry out the conventional methods of analysis. These are the conditions for many of our company’s outstanding developments.

We cost-effectively analyse also your metal respectively flux samples.

If you are interested please contact:

Contact person E-Mail Direct dial
Mr. Udo Grimmer-Herklotz ugrimmer@felder.de - 19
Mr. Jürgen Deutges jdeutges@felder.de - 32
Mr. Brian Wilhelm bwilhelm@felder.de - 28
Mr. Rolf-Dieter Lutze rlutze@felder.de - 26
Mrs./Ms. Andrea Heller aheller@felder.de - 32
Mr. Matthias Burandt mburandt@felder.de - 16