2022-03-10 09:43
In the IMKS process (Integrated Metal-Plastic Injection Molding) developed at the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) at RWTH Aachen University, three-dimensional housings made of novel, electrically insulating and at the same time thermally conductive plastics are contacted by means of conductor tracks made of lead-free solder alloys in directly successive injection molding process steps. FELDER GMBH has been familiar with the process since 2012 and has been active in the accompanying committees of all IMKS projects since 2013. In this context, FELDER has played a major role in the selection of suitable soft solder alloys for this manufacturing process.
From the large number of brazing alloys tested in the preliminary investigations, the FELDER NiGe brazing alloys Sn100Ni+ and Sn96Ag+ proved to be the most suitable alloys. Further IKV investigations will now be carried out exclusively with these two solders.
If you are interested in or have questions about the brazing alloys from this project, please contact Mr. Udo Grimmer-Herklotz (Application Engineering).
E-mail: ugrimmer@felder.de or call 0208 85035-19.
2020-12-01 07:28
recommended for all titanium zinc sheets. Like for example: Rheinzink® Classic, Rheinzink® prePATINA, Rheinzink® GRANUM
2020-04-29 11:48
According to EU-Regulation 528/2010, Article 55, Paragraph 1, FELDER GMBH is now allowed to produce disinfectants and to distribute them to “professional users” for a limited period until September 9, 2020”...
2020-01-03 08:51
Thanks to a new procedure for which a patent has been applied, we will in future....
2019-12-05 08:07
Our white metal MS² - Sn81,3Sb12Cu6Zn0,6Ag0,1 was tested by Siemens in 2019 and successfully approved for the production of Siemens Berlin.
- outcomes:
• The chemical composition of the white metal from FELDER Löttechnik complies with the specifications of the Siemens technical delivery specification. • The bonding strength is in the range of the tensile strength of the white metal and thus meets the requirements of the Siemens technical delivery specification.. • Hardness crystals and stannides are homogeneously distributed in the SnSb matrix. • The size of the hardness crystals is smaller than is typically the case. This property as well as the homogeneous distribution of the secondary phases are to be seen as advantageous for the mechanical properties of the material. From the point of view of materials technology, the material can be used as an alternative.
2018-06-19 14:43
Flux-filled, lead-free soft solder wire for electronics production
2015-10-06 14:43
The new product line “Clear” made by FELDER is now completed.
2015-10-05 14:43
Introduced at the “SMT 2015” and already appreciated by all customers.